
Wisdom Teeth and Orthodontics on Interactions and Considerations

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last set of molars that typically emerge at the back of the mouth in late adolescence or early adulthood. For many individuals, these teeth can lead to various dental issues, especially when they interact with ongoing orthodontic treatment. Understanding the potential interactions and considerations between wisdom teeth and orthodontics is crucial for maintaining oral health and successful treatment outcomes.

Timing of Wisdom Teeth Eruption:

The timing of wisdom teeth eruption is essential when planning orthodontic treatment. In some cases, orthodontic treatment might already be underway when the wisdom teeth begin to emerge. The presence of wisdom teeth can create overcrowding in the mouth, potentially affecting the alignment of existing teeth and compromising the results of orthodontic treatment.

Crowding and Alignment:

One of the most common issues associated with wisdom teeth is dental crowding. If there is insufficient space for the wisdom teeth to erupt properly, they may become impacted or partially erupted, pushing against neighboring teeth. This can undo the results of orthodontic treatment by causing the teeth to shift out of alignment.


In many cases, orthodontists may recommend extracting the wisdom teeth before or during orthodontic treatment. This preemptive approach can prevent future crowding and maintain the alignment achieved through orthodontics. Extractions are typically easier at a younger age when the roots of the wisdom teeth are not fully developed, leading to a smoother recovery.

Your Wisdom Teeth

Impact on Retention:

For patients who have completed orthodontic treatment and are wearing retainers to maintain the results, wisdom teeth can still pose a threat. If the wisdom teeth exert pressure on the surrounding teeth, even after the braces are removed, it can result in the relapse of orthodontic treatment. Regular monitoring of wisdom teeth is crucial during the retention phase.

Addressing Pre-existing Wisdom Teeth:

In cases where a patient already has erupted or impacted wisdom teeth before starting orthodontic treatment, the orthodontist will assess their position and condition. If they are causing issues or likely to cause problems in the future, the orthodontist may recommend extraction before proceeding with orthodontics.

Communication between Specialists:

Communication between the orthodontist and oral surgeon is essential when planning wisdom teeth extractions in conjunction with orthodontic treatment. The two specialists must work together to create a comprehensive treatment plan that ensures the best possible outcome for the patient.

In conclusion, the interaction between wisdom teeth and orthodontics is a crucial consideration for maintaining oral health and achieving successful chicago loop dentistry. Early evaluation and communication between the orthodontist and oral surgeon are to addressing any potential issues with wisdom teeth and incorporating appropriate treatment strategies. By understanding the impact of wisdom teeth on orthodontic treatment, patients can ensure the longevity of their beautiful smiles and overall oral well-being.