
Cannabis the Wonder Healing Drug from Medical Perspective

Cannabis is the Greek Word for hemp where the word canvas is derived, after the plants fibrousness. A genus comprising a species of coarse found as a weed of lands near human habitation, particularly in lands. In Victorian gardening Manuals it is recorded as an elegant dot-plant for summer boundaries. The Scythians, who lived north of the Black Sea, made vapors by throwing cannabis to hot stones, Cannabis was grown as a medication and as a plant for over 4000 years in the Middle East and Asia. Applications were explained prior to the 5th century BC in medical texts. Today its ownership and use are prohibited or subject to rigorous controls, in most Western countries and Australia and New Zealand but legal and socially acceptable in many parts of Asia and the Middle East where the dried resin or plant is commonly smoked or consumed.

The different common names for cannabis refer to certain preparations: haseesh resin from the female plant, usually smoked in water pipes; bhang dried plant mixed into water, candy or fruits; charas – resin eaten or smoked with spices; ganja dried tops of the female plant. European herbals of the 16th century include the plant which John Gerard known as Indian dreamer. Cannabis was recorded in the pharmacopoeias of countries, including the USA. It comprises more than 60 types of cannabinoids, including delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol which is largely responsible for its psychoactive effects. Modern research confirms that cannabis is effective for a range of treatments, its status has suppressed use I the West. Cannabis is still utilized in Chinese medicine.


Cultivation, Harvesting and processing of cannabis plants are subject to restrictions in many countries. Approved varieties many be cultivated because of its fiber (hemp). Cannabis sativa is variable with taproot, a strong-smelling branched stems and palmate leaves. Panicles of small flowers appear in summer, male and female.

  • Parts Utilized: Whole plant, oil flowering tops and seeds
  • Properties: Subsp. indica has analgesic, Anti-emetic properties; it is also hypertensive and a laxative.
  • Medicinal Uses: Internally for nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy to reduce ocular pressure in glaucoma, ease muscular stiffness and tremors in multiple sclerosis and assist AIDS patients achieve weight. Seeds used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat constipation brought on by debility or fluid deficiency.
  • Seed oil is used for purposes. Dried herb is an ingredient of Moroccan candy and is important as a flavoring in Ital cooking and knows more by clicking here
  • Economic uses: Source of fibers for rope making. Oil is added to cosmetics.